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Currently, we raise capital under SEC Regulation D, 506(c) which requires our offerings only be made available to Accredited Investors.  The Accredited Investor Questionnaire allows us to better understand you as a prospective investor, not only of your accredited investor status but also your investing experience. 

The share reservation form is like a soft commitment to reserve a spot in our investment fund. This is a NON-BINDING form, therefore, no monetary or other commitment is being made. Your share reservation grants you priority in the order received over other investors who reserve shares after you. Our funds are highly desirable so the share reservation form allows us to offer you reasonable due diligence time to review our offerings without fear of it being sold out before your reserved shares are released back to the next investor in line.

You may invest in our funds as an individual, Jointly with a significant other, through an Entity, a Trust, or using a Self Directed IRA retirement account.  Solo 401(k)s are also allowed as they are Trusts or use an investing entity. 

Our funds attract many different types of investors.  We do offer several different classes which are a mixture of equity and non-equity classes (typically in the form of Notes) along with different minimum investment amounts.  The higher the amount invested, the higher the preferred return that we offer.  Whether you are investing as an individual, through an entity, jointly with your spouse, a trust, or through a Self Directed IRA retirement account, our classes offer a diversified way to invest that best meets your investment goals and risk tolerance.

We utilize an Investor Management Software that we provide access to once you have submitted an Accredited Investor Questionnaire and are an Accredited Investor. 

Why invest with Accountable Equity?

Stable Passive Income

All the benefits of Real Estate PLUS revenues and leadership you can trust. Real estate is less volatile and has historically outperformed the S&P 500.

Cash Flow

Numerous revenue streams provide diversified and consistent cash flow. Contractual Event Revenue, Covid-safe Festival Revenues, Rooms, Dining, Golf, Entertainment & More.

Tax Benefits

Bonus Depreciation, Opportunity Zone opportunities. Tax write-offs that allow your family to keep more profits working for your retirement and legacy.*


Combining partner equity plus institutional financing makes the acquisition even more powerful. Guests pay down the debt which increases your equity, creating long-term wealth.


Our business turnaround expertise allows forced appreciation in record time. Using the BRRRR strategy, investors have the potential to receive their preferred returns, their return of capital, plus perpetual ownership. ***

Learn Side-By-Side

With Our Expert Faculty Partners Real Estate 101 to Expert Financial Mastery For Your Best Life Passive Investment & Deal Analysis.

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